Performance and Compliance


Performance relating to key administration tasks declared in our Pension Administration Strategy and compliance with The Pension Regulator's General Code of Practice.

KPI percentages achieved for administration targets over last 5 years

Notification Target



20/21 19/20 18/19
Death in service 5 days 82% 90% 72% 88% 84%
Retirement estimate 10 days 95% 97% 94% 98% 99%
Actual retirement 10 days 90% 86% 76% 96% 96%
Deferred benefit 10 days 96% 92% 69% 91% 97%
Refund of contributions 10 days 98% 96% 93% 95% 98%
Transfer in 10 days 68% 60% 61% 84% 88%
Transfer out 10 days 63% 58% 33% 76% 85%

Data Quality & Compliance

The Pensions Regulator Data Scores 2022 2023 Change %
Common Data 97.9% 98.7% +0.8%
Scheme Specific Data 99.2% 99.2% 0.0%


Annual benefit Statement Compliance 2022 2023 Change %
Statements issued before 31 August Deadline 98.31% 99.78% +1.47%


Pension Saving Statements 2022 2023 Change %
Statements issued before 6 October Deadline 98.5% 100%  +1.5%

Internal Audit

The internal audit function, for the Fund, is under contract to Aberdeenshire Council. Each year internal audit focus on a particular area or process within the Fund to evaluate control measures, provide assurance and identify areas of improvement.

In 2023/24 the internal audit focused on investment strategy, with the outcome and recommendations reported to the Pensions Committee. The full report can be found below:

Actuarial Valuations

The Fund is valued every 3 years. The valuation assesses whether the funds held are sufficient to meet the funding target, and to assess the contributions required to provide for the benefits.


The last year has presented a difficult market backdrop for a number of different asset classes, with the Fund's total asset value sitting at £5,788m. NESPF’s re balancing efforts in previous years have been hugely beneficial and has helped the portfolio preserve value.

It is notable that the NESPF continues to outperform the benchmark returns over longer periods and similarly comparators such as CPI and Average Earnings over the longer term. This provides assurance that the Fund’s Investment Strategy works and will continue to deliver the required returns over the longer term.

  • £5.8bn

    Total Fund Value

  • £83.3m

    Investment Income

  • £37.1m

    Employee Contributions

  • £124m

    Employer Contributions

  • £177m

    Pension Benefits Paid

  • £21m

    Admin & Investment Costs


There are a number of bodies which recognise the work done within the Pensions industry with national awards to celebrate excellence within pension schemes. These awards wins and nominations reflect the Fund's achievements over the years.

  • Pensions Age Awards

    Highly Commended

    • DB Pension Scheme of the Year - 2022


    • Pensions Administration - 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021
    • DB Pension Scheme of the Year - 2024, 2021
    • Best Investment Strategy - 2023
  • LAPF Awards


    • Scheme Administration - 2022


    • LGPS Fund of the Year (Assets over £2.5bn) - 2023
    • Scheme Administration - 2023
    • LGPS Fund of the Year (Assets over £2.5bn) - 2021
    • Scheme Administration - 2021
    • LGPS Fund of the Year (Assets over £2.5bn) - 2018
  • Professional Pension

    • Wins

      • Public Sector Pension Scheme of the Year - 2017
    • Nominations

      • DB Scheme of the Year (Over £500m) - 2017
      • Best Use of IT & Technology - 2017
  • LGC Investment


    • Quality of Service - 2016

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