
Biodiversity is the variety of all living things on our planet and how they evolve in their ecosystems. We need to preserve and enhance the natural capital of our planet to limit the loss of biodiversity. See below for examples of engagement on biodiversity.

Environmental Restoration

Through one of our Infrastructure portfolios, the Fund has an asset with environmental objectives to protect and restore biodiversity and ecosystems in their areas of activity.

This asset is an energy company with a commitment to transform sites at the end of their useful life into large areas of biodiversity. They have created a lake in Spain on a former open cast mine. This is one of the largest environmental restoration projects undertaken in Spain. The lake has almost 900 animal and plant species repopulating naturally including endemic species and can also supply water for large populations.

You can learn more about the development of Lake Meirama here.

Asset Implementation Plans

In the property investment process each asset in the acquisition process is required to include modelling to achieve net zero based on current performance and energy efficiencies.

  • For any new leases, green clauses have been updated for increased collaboration with the landlord on environmental performance. We also have a standard list of building upgrades for general asset management consideration which are incorporated into ongoing ESG action plans for each property.

  • On a new development a green roof has been incorporated to the building. This is designed to enhance biodiversity by increasing habitats and absorbing rainwater which improves drainage

  • Through our property fund manager we are encouraging wildlife to thrive by making small changes that could have a big impact. Simple actions like putting up beehives with the honey collected and distributed to the tenants of the residential site and installing bird and bat boxes to encourage native species have been implemented.

  • One of our property fund managers aim to achieve at least 10% biodiversity net gain on property developments. This shows a healthy ecosystem and the impact on nature and biodiversity assessments are completed on developments. On buildings already standing where we have control, sites have been optimised for nature as much as possible.

    Construction of another development resulted in a 12% net gain in biodiversity. This was achieved through incorporating wildflower grassland, semi-improved grassland, native scrub and native and ornamental hedgerows.

Offshore Windfarm

Through one of our Infrastructure portfolios the Fund invests in an offshore wind farm in the Dutch part of the North Sea, on the border with Belgium.

The biodiversity of the construction site was assessed as the project commenced. The action taken was the release of 2,400 flat oyster tables. The oyster tables were placed on the base of some of the wind turbines in October 2020.

A team of researchers reviewed the oyster tables in 2023. The outcome being they discovered in addition to the survival, presence and growth in oyster larvae they also investigate biodiversity. For this they used E-DNA traces in the water and an underwater camera, The underwater water videos showed a lot of life around the foundations with a total of 65 species found. The analysis showed the development of the species composition was still ongoing in a young wind farm. The outcome was that the researchers will return with the hope of seeing the oyster have settled in the shell layer and rock surrounding the wind turbine.

Further information on this project can be found here.

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